On privilege and taking the stairs
Many people think we shouldn’t talk about privilege. Usually, those people who say we shouldn’t talk about privilege have quite a lot of it. But (speaking even as a relatively privileged person),...
View ArticleDamming up justice: King David, power, and rape
click for source As many of you know, I’ve been doing research on Christian dating books and their treatment of rape and sexual assault. One such book that I’ve been reading is the infamous I Kissed...
View ArticleFeminisms Fest: I need feminism because there is no love without justice.
When I heard that Preston Yancey, Danielle Vermeer, and J.R. Goudeau were hosting a three-day blog link-up discussing feminism, my first thought was “Damn this timing.” See, I was planning on...
View ArticleCrucifixion and Liberation
[Trigger warnings for abuse, rape, and violence against oppressed groups] Image by Aaron Douglas I recently wrote a blog post for Rachel Held Evans in which I talked about how many popular images of...
View ArticleThe cross and radical activism
The idea that Jesus chose, out of his own free will, to go to the cross is a favorite among abusive church leaders. What better way to get people to submit to you than to compare the God they worship...
View ArticleA new recipe for humble pie
I once read a manifesto by the anti-feminist True Women Movement that stated as one of its points: Selfish insistence on personal rights is contrary to the spirit of Christ who humbled Himself, took on...
View ArticleWhy I’m a Unitarian Universalist
Not sure of the original source for this. Found it on a website about how the UU Church is “Satan’s Church.” Hah! I found it beautiful. I want to talk about faith for a second. I’m a Unitarian...
View ArticleIt won’t be their world anymore: Universalism with boudaries
I really don’t know what I believe about the afterlife. Ever since I gave up the idea of an eternal hell, I’ve found myself able to embrace many different theories with some comfort. As a Christian,...
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